It is essential to make designs that limit structural damage to preserve the continuity of the operation and safety of the people after a major earthquake. Therefore, PPN Engineering offers specialized services in the following areas.
We conduct assessments of designs and studies in order to verify compliance with design criteria and standards
Evaluamos estructuras especiales expuestas a diversas condiciones de operación. Asistimos a nuestros clientes en la determinación de causas de fallas en sistemas estructurales y soportes de equipos. Esto a través de análisis empíricos.
Las instalaciones y sus equipos están expuestos a sismos de gran magnitud y en algunos casos mas destructivos que los calificados "de diseño". Por esto, es necesario generar o actualizar estudios para las zonas en donde se ubiquen los proyectos.
We conduct assessments of designs and studies in order to verify compliance with design criteria and standards
Preparation of structural and seismic criteria for the development of different phases of engineering according to the project requirements, in compliance with Chilean and international standards design.
Evaluation of special structures exposed to different operating conditions, through modeling and empirical analysis.
Design of foundations for machines subject to vibrations generated by the operation of industrial processes, by controlling of ground deformations and limits established by equipment suppliers.
Preparation of structural and seismic criteria for the development of different phases of engineering according to the project requirements, in compliance with Chilean and international standards design.
Designs by applying results of studies "Backward Analysis" with the response to major earthquakes. Experience in the design of large tanks for mining, oil companies and power plants.
Evaluation of seismic response versus surface facilities, development of analysis to evaluate the performance of facilities and machine foundations for projects inside caves.
Facilities and equipment are exposed to high magnitude earthquakes and in some cases more destructive that qualified "design". Therefore, it is recommended generate or update studies for projects.
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